You can file a lawsuit for elder abuse and neglect. Many victims of abuse or neglect are highly vulnerable, including those with dementia and disabilities.

Call us at 888-888-8888 to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced nursing home abuse lawyers.

    Not sure if it’s abuse? Here are some of the most commonly reported abusive behaviors.

    • Violence
    • Verbal, psychological, and emotional abuse
    • Sexual assault
    • Monetary manipulation and financial abuse, including theft of credit cards and bank accounts
    • Physical assault
    • Intentional neglect

    If your loved one has suffered any of these or, even worse, died due to negligence at a senior care facility, let us connect you with an attorney who understands what you’re going through and is ready to help.

    They will evaluate your case and tirelessly fight to get the settlement you deserve.

    Call us today at 888-888-8888 to have your case reviewed by a law expert for free.

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